60 minute relaxation massage

The goal of a relaxation massage is to decrease the impact of the body's overall stress on muscles and joints, assist with calming the mind, and overall provide relief from daily life.

90 minute lymphatic drainage massage

A Lymphatic Drainage Massage can be useful both pre- and post operation to decrease swelling and improve circulation of the lymph fluid. It is also beneficial for a variety of other reasons such as overall blood circulation, fluid balance, and increasing immune function. No operations are necessary to reap the benefits of this technique.

90 minute injury repair massage

The aim of an injury repair massage is to decrease pain as well as increase range and fluidity of motion. This will be accomplished by using a variety of modalities including but not limited to stretching, shiatsu, joint mobility techniques, connective tissue release, and some Swedish massage techniques

30 minute injury repair massage

The aim of an injury repair massage is to decrease pain as well as increase range and fluidity of motion. This will be accomplished by using a variety of modalities including but not limited to stretching, shiatsu, joint mobility techniques, connective tissue release, and some Swedish massage techniques

30 minute lymphatic drainage massage

A Lymphatic Drainage Massage can be useful both pre- and post operation to decrease swelling and improve circulation of the lymph fluid. It is also beneficial for a variety of other reasons such as overall blood circulation, fluid balance, and increasing immune function. No operations are necessary to reap the benefits of this technique.

60 minute lymphatic drainage massage

A Lymphatic Drainage Massage can be useful both pre- and post operation to decrease swelling and improve circulation of the lymph fluid. It is also beneficial for a variety of other reasons such as overall blood circulation, fluid balance, and increasing immune function. No operations are necessary to reap the benefits of this technique.

60 minute injury repair massage

The aim of an injury repair massage is to decrease pain as well as increase range and fluidity of motion. This will be accomplished by using a variety of modalities including but not limited to stretching, shiatsu, joint mobility techniques, connective tissue release, and some Swedish massage techniques.